
What is ETI?

By |2020-11-05T13:26:09+02:00November 3rd, 2020||

The Employment Tax Iincentive (ETI) is an incentive aimed at encouraging employers to hire young work seekers. Learn more

What is the 12H Tax Rebate?

By |2021-04-19T20:21:25+02:00November 3rd, 2020||

Section 12H of the Income Tax Act (the Act) provides for an allowance to employers in respect of qualifying 'registered learnership agreement'(s) entered into between the employer and employee. The allowance is intended as an incentive for employers to train employees. Tax Incentives (SARS) Tax Incentives are deductions on your taxable income that you [...]

What is a Privately Funded training intervention?

By |2020-11-05T13:24:08+02:00November 3rd, 2020||

South African companies are required to spend a specified percentage of their total payroll on Skills Development - so directly sponsoring, mentoring and employing learners provides an immediate solution to most businesses. If a business needs to improve its overall score card and already has fulfilled its Skills Development obligations, then additional expenditure (as [...]

What is a Mandatory Grant?

By |2021-04-19T20:28:32+02:00November 1st, 2020||

Mandatory Grants are funds paid by a SETA to an organisation that fulfils the requirements to receive grants. To qualify for a mandatory grant, a levy-paying employer must meet criteria outlined in the Skills Development Act, such as: • Be registered • Be up to date with levies at the time of approval and [...]

What is a Discretionary Grant?

By |2020-11-05T13:17:35+02:00October 28th, 2020||

Discretionary grants are provided by a SETA and aimed at encouraging organisations to contribute to skills development. The bulk of discretional funding is directed at pivotal learning programmes such as: learnerships, Work Integrated Learning (WIL), internships, bursaries, and skills programmes. The learning programme results in a qualification or partial qualification aligned to the NQF, [...]

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