Learnership Benefits

There are great benefits for you or your employees taking up a Learnership; everyone benefits from this great way to develop relevant, high quality skills for the future.

Benefits to employers:
Relevance of training to business needs:
Learnerships are developed by the industry for the industry, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders, so the learning programme and qualification of the Learners are relevant to the specific occupation
The outcomes of the learning programme meet the standards for the industry
Greater credibility of qualifications, as employers have the assurance that the learners can demonstrate the competence reflected in their qualifications
Opportunity to collaborate with training providers in customising learning programmes to meet specific workplace needs

Improved skills and work performance:
A Learnership is a tool for multi-skilling, as it develops the competence of employees in every component of the work processes of an occupation
The learning route of a Learnership is more effective in promoting the practical application of learning in the workplace than most other routes
Because employees will be acquiring new knowledge and skills and applying these in the workplace, companies will be raising the skills levels of employees while improving work performance

Achievement of Employment Equity Objectives:
Progress in meeting Employment Equity targets, since previously disadvantaged employees have opportunities to improve their work-related competence and obtain qualifications

Appropriately Trained Recruitment Pool of Potential Employees:
Employers will be able to select employees from a wider pool of appropriately qualified workers who have developed skills that are relevant to the company’s specific work context

Increased Return on Investment in Training:
Higher returns from the Skills Levy and investment in training, due to transfer of learning to the job, as well as increased grant disbursements from Skills Levy contributions

Benefits to learners
Quality and Relevance of Training:
Improved quality of the education and training you receive; acquisition of the theoretical basis relevant to the occupation, as well as the ability to apply learning in the real work situation; and
practical relevance of what you are learning.